Chandra & Lilly, Dru Scotland - Dru Yoga
Chandra Goswami is a director of Dru UK and is based in the Scotland centre. She facilitates courses, retreats and workshops throughout the UK. An International Dru Consultant and Dru Trainer of 23 years, Chandra has led programmes in Australasia, Canada, and Europe to audiences that have included corporate executives, governmental and diplomatic clients, health and education professionals.
Lily has been teaching Dru yoga for over 30 years. She is a key trainer on the Dru Yoga training course, the Dru Meditation training course and the Advanced Practitioners Diploma course in Scotland. She has been running Dru workshops and classes for many years, and has helped train numerous teachers to do the same. Her yoga is her passion. Her joyful and caring nature demonstrates her desire to constantly develop and improve the lives of the people around her, as well as the wellbeing of her students.
A Dru class format with our signature Energy Block Release sequence (or EBR), a traditional posture taught in the flowing Dru style incorporating the multi-koshic experience and our Dru 4-stage relaxation.
4.30pm Main Studio
Kit requirements: Blanket, Cushion, Block & Strap
45 mins
Instagram @DruScotland

Megan, Air Wellness & Yoga - Vinyassa
In Megan's class you will move through vinyasa flow yoga to allow you to build confidence in the movements, poses & transitions. Focus will be brought to linking breath with movement helping you to experience the moving meditation quality which is vinyasa, while both stretching & strengthening the body.
Meghan is a Vinyasa Yoga instructor with specialisms in FRC (Functional Range Conditioning), Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga. Meghan is also a fully trained Holistic Massage therapist with a deep love for anatomy, mobility and breathwork.
9.30am Main Studio
Kit requirements: Block
90 mins
Instagram @airyogaandwellness

Jen, Chaos & Calm - Yoga Foundations
This class concentrates on the building blocks of yoga, spending more time on encouraging attendees to understand their own experience rather than delving into complex or complicated asana practice. Jen will also focus on guiding people to make a choice about what they do in a yoga class rather than religiously following a teachers instructions. This class is great for beginners because it takes some of the fear away from being bendy enough or following and understanding a teacher. It also worked well with more experienced yogi's who may have become stuck in a certain way of practicing, or haven't been given different options.
Jen certified as a yoga teacher in 2021 after completeing 200 hours with Hot Yoga Edinburgh and a 60 hour fondation course with Yoga Scotland. She now successfully runs Chaos and Calm Yoga where she runs weekly classes on a fairly informal basis.
11.15am TechCube Studio
Kit requirement: Block
45 mins
Instagram @chaosandcalmyoga

Ana, Fit 2 Shine - Ashtanga
In this 90-minute class you will go over Ashtanga Primary Series sequence to help you build solid Ashtanga practice at home. Attending studio classes is nice but it is really important to have a home practice so that life doesn't get in the way if you can't get to a studio or use a yoga video. If you have 15-90 minutes a few times a week, you will be able to develop a practice that helps you stay strong and focused, both on and off the mat.
Ana comes from a long dancing and fitness background. Practicing yoga for over 10 years to complement her personal and professional exercise regime, she had attained ashtanga rooted teaching qualification to expand her portfolio while being kind to her knees. In the process Ana fell in love with yoga and with all the physical, emotional and spiritual rewards. Ana believes yoga may just be the answer to everything, and if not everything, there are certainly many sneaky benefits to be found by just showing up on your mat for a stretch.
9.30am TechCube Studio
Kit requirements: Strap & Block
90 mins
Instagram @ana.fit2shine

Lianne, Flow by Season - Seasonal Flow
Seasonal Yoga is a vinyasa style practice rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine. We look to nature for cues on energetic & emotional states and the intention & focus of our practices changes with the changing seasons reflecting nature’s energy. In September we’ll be in Late Summer in the Earth element. A transitional season as we move from peak yang of Summer into the yin months. We are returning to centre, we have a real focus on grounding after the heady heights of Summer. In this class you will work on stability and strength, fostering self acceptance and self worth.
Lianne has a real passion for creating space & open invitation for people to connect with & honour their body, energy, mood in the moment and practice from a place of kindness. She teachs Seasonal vinyasa flow, Seasonal Yin, breath, meditation and mindfulness. Supporting her students to find their own practice, to lean into feel rather than aesthetic, giving them tools & practices to take off the mat into
their day to day is really important to her.
11.15am Main Studio
Kit requirements: Block
45 mins
Instagram @flowbyseaon

Natasha, Butterfly Minds - Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga is suitable for anyone who is able to practice on the ground. Postures are held for 3-5 minutes on the ground or close to the ground to allow a physical and emotional release of stress and tension. in this class you will guided through a short pranayma and a couple of movements before beginning the Yin Yoga sequence. The practice ends with a restful Savasana.
Natasha is passionate in helping all ages to relieve stress in their mind and body and create a balanced life, with stillness practices. She has 11 years experience and is a qualified and insured yoga teacher who specialises in Yin Yoga and is continually learning more about the practice. Natasha is interested and passionate about making yoga accessible, inclusive and welcoming for all. She is continually learning ways to create a safe space and support people to find balance in life. She believes that sharing mindfulness and yoga with all ages can make a lasting difference in developing positive wellbeing. Natasha is passionate about helping people like you to have space to turn inwards and find inner stillness in a fast paced world.
2.30pm Main Studio
Kit requirements: Block, Bolster & Blanket (all optional)
45 mins
Instagram @butterfly_minds_

Kristina, Prana Lotus - Prana Flow
This class entails gentle movement and expressive somatic flow and is a gently flowing yoga class focussing on energetics of the practice taught in a trauma informed and inclusive way.
Kristina is a women’s wellness yoga therapist, body worker and Myofascial release therapist who is interested in exploring inner landscapes, energy flow and intuitive led movement.
3.30pm Main Studio
No Kit Requirements
45 mins
Instagram @edinburghpranalotus

Stephanie, Stephanie Yoga - Classical Hatha Yoga
This Classical Hatha class includes warm up, āsana, prāṇāyāma & relaxation,. You will be taken on a jouney to explore how you can integrate these into your practice.
Stephanie is a Classical Haṭha Yoga Teacher and Yoga Master, who trained in Scotland in 2016. In 2020, she completed the Integral Transformational Meditation courses with Swami Vidyanand and the 500 hour Integral Transformational Yoga Teacher Training course with Swamiji. As well as being registered with Yoga Scotland, Stephanie is also a certified Yoga Master with the Yoga Alliance International of India. She is privileged to be teaching Yoga with a number of communities, and be witness to their learning. Stephanie has been practicing Yoga for over 50 years and her practice and teaching are rooted in the belief that Yoga is the path of taking good care of our original, authentic selves and our deep interconnectedness with Nature.By taking good care of ourselves, and observing how Yoga deepens our lives, we can then take care of others and the beautiful planet Earth.
12.15pm Main Studio
Kit requirements: Strap & Block
45 mins
Twitter @StephanieKnight

Pia, Holistica Yoga & Ayurveda - Creative Vinyassa
Pia will teach this creative vinyasa with lot's of added movement inspired from elsewhere, accompanied with breathwork and chanting. The pace and intensity of the class slowly builds up as you move to the peak pose/the most challenging sequence of the class to be then gently slow back again. Pia likes to call this class a self-discovery through the movement and breath, finding one's freedom and self expression.
Pia is happy to be part of yogic community since 2019 when she successfully finished my yoga teacher training in Thailand. However her journey with yoga started in 2017 when she first came across a hot yoga, vinyasa flow with Madira Gregurek in Dundee. Pia has always been passionate about self- discovery and self-expression through the movement and breath. She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Contemporary Dance Performance from Scottish School of
Contemporary Dance, Dundee in 2018 and the yoga classes she teaches are blends
of different styles of yoga and movement.
3.30pm TechCube Studio
Kit requirements: Strap & Block
45 mins
Instagram @holisticayogaayurveda

Zuri, Seasonal Zuri - Coming Back to Centre Flow
Seasonal Yoga connects the yogic tradition with its neighbouring TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), to align you with the changing energies throughout the different seasons. September is the time of year to come back to our centres and be satisfied with what was achieved in the active Summer. The energy is slowing down and the focus of the practice will be to build up self worth and a feeling of satisfaction. This class will be a grounding flow that'll stimulate the meridian lines of the season, which are the spleen and the stomach, releasing any blockages and letting the energy flow freely.
Zuri has been practicing yoga for years and completed her 200hr with Seasonal Yoga Edinburgh. Zuri encourages growth of the physical and spiritual self by bringing awareness and linking breath and movement. Her classes are fun and inspire to live more mindfully both on and off the mat.
2.30pm TechCube Studio
No Kit Requirements
45 mins
Instagram @seasonal_zuri

Eniko, Yoga Goodness with Eniko - Let it wash away
Let it wash away is a dynamic vinyasa flow class working with the element of water. You will work on finding connection to the flow of one moment into the next, staying fluid, balanced, and open as we move. The class will peak with a water ritual - using little face towels (please provide your own) and tubs filled with water, you will perform a physical ritual of cleansing: washing away all our doubts, fears and obstacles - anything that appears to obstruct our connection to ourselves, our connection to the now. If you use blocks in your practice, please feel free to bring them along for this class!
Eniko is a 200h qualified yoga teacher who teachs vinyasa flow primarily, yin occasionally, as well as monthly special events such as yoga meets aromatherapy, outdoor classes, special charity classes and online collaborations! She likes to
have fun with my classes and loves a chat after class - discussing yoga, life,
anything and everything with her students.
1.15pm Main Studio
Kit requirements: Face Cloth & Block
1 Hour
Instagram @enikozsemberi_yoga